
There are many different benefits to undergoing orthodontic treatment with our dentist Lalor. One of the main advantages of undergoing orthodontic treatment is that you can maintain a good dental hygiene routine. Teeth that are straight and  neatly aligned are easier to clean and if your teeth are clean then there is less chance of plaque and tartar developing inside your mouth which means you are less prone to decay or disease. This helps to increase the longevity of your teeth. If your teeth are neatly aligned it also enhances the function of your mouth. There is less wear and tear and less chance of damage. A neatly aligned smile is also attractive to look at and helps to boost your self-esteem. Studies show that patients have higher self-esteem after orthodontic treatment than they did at the beginning of the treatment.

Orthodontic treatment for children

If you have young children then it is important that you bring them to visit our dentist Lalor on a regular basis especially when their permanent teeth begin to grow. We can help make sure that there is enough room for each tooth to erupt into an appropriate position. We can guide the teeth into the right position as soon as they are erupting. We can also help correct bite disorders to prevent complications in the future. Some children may suck their thumb or use a soother for a long period of time and this can also affect the alignment of their teeth. Our dentist Lalor can look out for issues early on so that they can be addressed sooner rather than later preventing complications in the future.  As you can see, orthodontic treatment not only improves the appearance of your smile but has other significant advantages too.

Braces and aligners

Here at Epping High Dental we offer different forms of orthodontic treatment. We offer traditional braces for young children and adults who have complicated orthodontic needs. Traditional braces are made of metal wires and brackets that are fixed to the surface of the teeth. The teeth are gently pulled into a neater formation. This can take 18 months to a few years depending on your dental requirements to begin with. If you have complex orthodontic needs but are looking for a more discreet option then we can speak to you about porcelain braces in which the brackets are made of porcelain to replace the metal brackets. These are also productive at correcting the misalignment issues of your teeth. If you are looking for complete discretion and have mild to moderate misalignment issues of the teeth then you can speak to us at Epping high dental and find out about clear aligners to address the misalignment issues of your teeth. Clear aligners apply gradual pressure to your teeth too, to create a neatly aligned smile. With clear aligners this can be done within 6 to 12-months.

Our dentist Lalor will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and a smile assessment to decide which is the best form of orthodontic treatment for you. If you are happy with our suggestions then the treatment can proceed. Speak to us at Epping high dental today to find out more.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.