
Most people see attending a trip to the dental team as something of an inconvenience at best. If you have a phobia, it may be an incomprehensible thing to do. But it is exceedingly important for your oral and general health that you do not miss or skip dental check-ups.

If you have a phobia or have missed a few appointments it is likely that an issue that you had initially, which could have been treated easily, will now be more complicated and could result in a more invasive procedure.

At Epping High Dental, we are always very proactive with our patients and advise them to visit our dentist Lalor at least every 6 months for a check-up. We also provide our patients with advice on how to maintain their oral health at home and can help them to choose the most suitable toothpaste and mouthwash to meet their clinical needs and keep their teeth healthy.

But why is it so important to attend check-ups with our dentist Lalor? Read on to find out!

Prevent cavities

Most people think that they will know when they are getting a cavity due to discomfort, but this is not the case. At its earliest point, a cavity looks like a white speck on your tooth and will not cause any discomfort at all. This is why you need to see our dentist Lalor every 6 months if possible, as we can detect these white spots and treat them with a fluoride sealant to remineralise the tooth, which will prevent cavities from forming.

Prevent gum disease

Gum disease can be insidious. It usually starts as a mild form of gingivitis which will cause bleeding when you brush your teeth. At its worst, gum disease can cause your teeth to come loose and your jawbone to recede. It is the leading cause of adults losing their teeth, so to prevent gum disease, you need to see our team every 6 months, especially if you are a smoker or have a history of this disorder.

Remove plaque

There is also something of a cosmetic reason to visit our dental team every 6 months, as we can remove stubborn plaque and tartar. We do this through a very simplified scale and polish, which also whitens your teeth and cleans any staining that may have formed on your enamel, or around fillings. The removal of plaque reduces the chances of both cavities and gum disease from forming too, so there is a real health benefit to having this done regularly.

Oral cancer screening

Our team will also check your mouth for signs of oral cancer. This is exceedingly important as oral cancer is easy to treat when it is caught early and the best way to catch it red-handed is to attend dental check-ups. If you suspect, however, that you have oral cancer due to a mysterious lump, bump or recurring ulcers in your mouth, then please do not hesitate to contact our team for an emergency appointment.

Additional services

Most importantly, regular check-ups ensure that your oral health remains in good condition. This is important when you are looking to seek additional dental services, such as orthodontic care or cosmetic treatment, as all of these require you to have healthy teeth and gums as a base.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.