dentist-lalorWith the growing demand for the perfect smile at an affordable price the internet has created a series of online providers. Mail order braces are growing in popularity, they essentially cut out the middleman and deliver braces directly to the consumer cutting cost and delivery time. Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it probably is and the team here at Epping High Dental want to explain why.

How it works

So obviously you won’t be going to see a dentist for your initial consultations, you’ll be sorting this all out online and pretty much alone. Some companies offer patients the chance to get their braces fitted through a 3D scanner, but this only works if you’re near a provider. For those who aren’t you’re asked to create the moulds at home yourself. This is problematic as the moulds can easily be taken in the wrong way and often aren’t left on long enough to set correctly, and what’s more is that you won’t be checked by a dentist when you get them back.

What can go wrong

So the UK’s BBC recently released a report revealing the story of a patient who told them that he ‘would never do it again’ he has been left with super sensitive and wobbly teeth to the point where he can’t even bite down on an apple.

The problem with the whole service is that patients just aren’t undergoing the checks needed for orthodontic work and this is from the start to finish. Us, your dentist Lalor are trained to recognise the signs of healthy teeth and gums and it’s only healthy teeth and gums that should be put through orthodontics. Any gum disease or decay could result in poor outcomes from the treatment, which is dangerous to the teeth, but also a total waste of money.

Some companies are reported to have said that patients will have online check-ups with a registered dentist, however many patients have reported that this just doesn’t happen, but even if it is a virtual appointment, it isn’t enough to give a clear picture of the patient’s dental health. They also said that it’s the patient’s responsibility to see a dentist prior to treatment to receive the all clear before going ahead with treatment, but there’s no way for them to enforce this.

What the experts say

A dentist remarked that some people could ‘underestimate the force aligners put on teeth’ and that if disease is missed people will risk losing their teeth.

The General Dental Council have been reported saying that there is no other better way for successful treatment other than with an examination by a dentist in person.

Finally a member of the British Dental Association has said that the guidelines currently out there aren’t enough to regulate the online brace providers and that if action isn’t taken the dentist Lalor will be left picking up the pieces where people have ‘undergone wholly inappropriate treatment’.

Think twice

So yes there have been some success stories, but there are also a lot of people who have been left with life-changing (and not in a good way) results. Think twice before opting for braces directly and instead consult your dentist Lalor at Epping High Dental for the best and truly expert advice.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.